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Transition & admissions
Students Moving to Secondary School in September 2026
Open Evening - An opportunity to tour the school, meet the teachers and students and get involved in engaging activities linked to the curriculum areas studied at Key Stage 3. For students joining secondary school in September 2026, this year's open evening is on Thursday 18 September 2025 from 5pm-7.30pm.
Tours of the school (predominantly September/October) - We are happy to show parents and students around the school during the school day so that you get a sense of the atmosphere of the school and can see student engagement in lessons. The tour will be conducted by one of the senior leadership team giving plenty of opportunities to ask questions and see the facilities. We ask that these are booked in advance by calling the school on 01209 203700 and will take place daily from Monday 22 September until Thursday 23 October at 9am and 11.40am.
Super Saturdays (Autumn term) -These sessions run from 9am -12pm on selected Saturdays throughout the year. Each session will be delivered by an individual faculty. Students who will be in Year 6 from September 2025 can sign up for individual sessions or attend all 5 sessions offered. Attendance will be rewarded with a certificate. These sessions give students an additional opportunity to meet the students they will soon be going to school with and the staff that will be teaching them.
This year's sessions will be shared after Easter. To book a place on one or more of these sessions, please complete this online form:
To apply for a secondary place you need to complete the following from Cornwall Council by 31 October:
Cornwall Council Secondary School Application
Students Moving to Secondary School in September 2025
Redruth School recognises that the move from primary to secondary school is a significant event for both pupils and parents alike. We know that each child will be both nervous and excited about joining a secondary school. We have a dedicated transition team to help at this time of change. Mr Dave Bartlett, Assistant Headteacher, oversees the transition, together with a small number of significant staff to support the process: Mrs Laura McTeare, Deputy Headteacher and Miss Katie Skilbeck, SENDCo.
We have excellent relationships with our primary colleagues and work closely with them during this time so that children are supported in the transition to secondary school. Visits are made to children’s primary school to meet the students and parents. We also have Induction days so the new students can familiarise themselves with the school and have the opportunity to meet their form tutor, along with other key staff members. Students will be joining a school that has high aspirations and expectations for itself and its students.
There are many events scheduled throughout the year to support your child’s transition to secondary school these include:
Primary Transition Visits (summer term) - Mr Bartlett visits the primary school of every child that is transitioning to Redruth School in September. He meets with the Year 6 teacher to gather information on each individual’s strengths and areas where support may be required. Mr Bartlett may also meet with the students during this visit so they have an opportunity to ask him any questions they may have about secondary school. For the larger primary schools there will also be an additional drama workshop that accompanies this visit to give Year 6 students an opportunity to engage and interact with our secondary students.
Transition Days (8 & 9 July 2025) - All students who are coming to Redruth School in September are invited to two days in the summer term. On these days they will meet their new tutor and tutor group, experience lessons, and take some initial tests which will aid us in supporting them in their transition. Please complete the consent form for the transition days via this link.
Transition Evening (9 July 2025) - This takes place on the evening of the students’ second transition day and is an opportunity for parents to meet the tutor and be given key information on the school as well as view and purchase school uniform.
Summer School (August/ September) - During the summer school students have the opportunity to sign up for activities. Our summer school activities have included water sports, an Eden Project trip, bush craft, mountain biking, sports, art and much more. The focus of the three days is on having fun, team building and getting to know each other and staff. At the end of the summer school, students feel confident about starting their first day in September. Information about how to sign your child up for Summer School is released in the transition pack.
We are pleased to be able to offer two languages, French or Spanish; your child will be allocated one of these to study throughout Key Stage 3. If you have a strong preference for your child to learn one of these languages please download and complete the language request form below and return to the school by 28 March 2025, however please be aware that this will affect your child’s tutor allocation.
For those students joining us in September 2025, we are looking forward to meeting and welcoming your child in person at our transition days, summer school and at the start of the Autumn term.