

Good attendance is vital. Our target for all students is 100% attendance with a minimum of 96% attendance. It is proven that students with good attendance achieve better outcomes. Parents and carers can support their children’s attendance by: ensuring their child arrives to school on time;  make non-urgent appointments outside of the school day; only keep your child off school when absolutely necessary. Where a parent is unsure as to whether their child is well enough to attend school they should use the following NHS guidance- is my child too ill for school. The pastoral, Oasis, SEN and mental health teams within the school can support your child to attend every day.

We must ensure that attendance and punctuality are the highest they possibly can be in order to prepare our students for their future adult life. It is the responsibility of everyone in our school community – parents, staff, students and governors to ensure they achieve this. Therefore, we are committed to monitoring and reviewing the attendance of all our students regularly.

Students should arrive at the school for no later than 8.25am. Registration begins at 8.30am and form tutors electronically take the first register of the day. Students arriving after 8.50am must report to the student reception office to sign in. Arriving late, after registration, without a legitimate reason will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If a student needs to leave school early, please notify us via Class Charts. We expect children to be collected from school for appointments etc. The school will contact you if we have concerns about punctuality and ask that you support our detention procedures re: student lateness.

Attendance poster

If your child is absent we will:

  • Telephone or text you on every day of absence if we have not heard from you
  • Invite you in to discuss the situation with our Attendance Officer or Pastoral Lead if absences persist
  • May refer to the Education Welfare Service if attendance falls below 90%

Promoting Attendance

Staff and Students at Redruth School are fully aware of the expectations surrounding attendance:

  • Regular assemblies take place in school highlighting the importance of attendance
  • Monthly attendance figures are given for each tutor group in assembly
  • Rewards given for excellent, good and improved attendance
  • Rewards given to tutor groups for achieving the best attendance
  • Informative displays regarding attendance in school.

Attendance Officer: Miss Laura Cannell

Telephone: 01209 203727

Attendance Policy Exceptional Circumstances Absence Request Form 

Penalty Notice Leaflet

Monitoring Attendance

You can monitor your child’s attendance percentage (%) through ‘Class Charts for parents’ via the website: or through the iOS or Android App for your smart phone (download from the login screen or scan the QR code). Please note there is a delay between attendance taken in school and appearing on the platform.  

Class charts parent

Class charts QR parent code

Reporting an Absence

  • Where absence is unavoidable, we ask that parents/carers report absence via the Class Charts online platform (website or app). The online platform allows you to keep track of any previous absences, and see Blended Learning tasks for your child to complete to catch up on curriculum content missed due to absence, to ensure that they do not have any gaps in their learning and are able to follow the curriculum when they return.
    • Click on the name of child who is going to be absent
    • Swipe across to the ‘absences’ tab
    • If more than one child will be absent, you will need to report these separately
    • Enter the details of the reported absence into the form provided, including the date of the absence
    • You can also include up to 5 files in your absence report as supporting evidence e.g. appointment confirmations or prescriptions in your child’s name. IMPORTANT: photographs or screenshots of documentation/appointments only, no other images are acceptable
    • To add a file, click on the ‘attach supporting evidence’ button and select the files of your choice or when using a smartphone will allow access to your camera or images
    • Click on the ‘submit’ button to send your child’s absence report
    • The absence can be edited and deleted until it has been acknowledged by a member of the attendance team.

Class charts absenceClass charts absence 2






  • If you are having any issues using this method, please call the school on 01209 203727
  • Continue to notify the school every day that your child is absent
  • Send a note in on the first day they return with an explanation of the absence – you must do this even if you have already telephoned us
  • Provide a copy of the appointment card for doctor, hospital or dental appointments upon their return, if not uploaded to Class Charts.
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