
School Uniform

"The intention of the uniform policy is to promote pride and responsibility in our students in preparation for adult life. It should also ensure equal opportunity without extremes of fashion."

Students at Redruth take a pride and responsibility in representing themselves, their year groups and their school. They have been responsible for creating the uniform for all.

Uniform Policy

  • Official black school blazer with logo and red or grey lining. Blazers must be worn to and from school and during the school day, at full arm length, sleeves not rolled up. Staff may allow students to remove blazers during lessons but they must be worn when moving around the school.
  • Clip-on school tie.
  • Plain black v neck jumper may be worn under the school blazer (v shaped neck to allow visibility of school tie).
  • White shirt (long or short sleeve) with collar. Shirts must be tucked in and buttoned at the neck with the tie attached properly (coloured or 'visible' t-shirts  are not to be worn underneath, underwear should not be visible).
  • Plain black formal full length trousers that hold a crease. Unacceptable trousers include jeans, canvas trousers, baggy styles, tight or skin tight styles and trousers worn very low on the hips.
  • Plain black skirt, which holds a least one crease (no lycra, pencil skirt or skater styles). Length to be no shorter than hands by side at full extension, standing tall, tip of middle finger.
  • Plain black, tailored shorts (knee length) may be worn from Easter, during the Summer term.
  • Plain black belts can be worn through belt loops of trousers or skirts. No large buckles, studs or embellishments.
  • Plain black ankle socks. No white or coloured socks.
  • Plain black tights (no patterns).
  • Plain black shoes with a low stepped heel (no extremes including size of heel). No boots, trainers, skate shoes, canvas or open toed shoes. Any shoe laces to be black.
  • No coats, hats, scarves or gloves to be worn in the school buildings.
  • One pair of small stud earrings (maximum of one in each lower ear lobe) and a wrist watch may be worn. No other jewellery to be worn, including bracelets, scrunchies and wristbands. Medic alert bracelets or medic alert necklaces may be worn.
  • Hair should be neat and conventional with no extremes of style or colour that draw attention, not shaved less than grade 3 all over, no mohawks or mullet styles.
  • Light and natural looking make up may be worn. Nails must be short and unadorned. No gel, extensions or jewels. Clear nail varnish only may be used.
  • No visible body piercing or tattooing is allowed.

The intention of the uniform policy is to promote pride and responsibility in our students in preparation for adult life.  It should also ensure equal opportunity without extremes of fashion. Correct school uniform must therefore be worn at all times on the school site and when travelling to and from.  No hoodies may be worn over or under school blazers, only traditional coats to be worn over the top.

PE Kit

Girls & Boys PE Kit

Essentials: red and black school t-shirt, school black and red socks, training shoes.

Girls PE Kit

School logo hoodie or plain black hoodie, black shorts or skort (plain black or with Redruth School logo), Redruth School branded leggings (optional) or plain leggings with a Redruth School skort.

Boys PE Kit

School reversible rugby shirt, (plain black with red on reverse), black shorts, boots (optional).

Recommended PE equipment:

Gum shield, shin pads and safety studs for football, hockey and rugby.

School uniform and PE kit is available for purchase from Trophy Textiles:

Unit 2 Pool Business Park

Dudnance Lane



TR15 3QW

Tel 01209 713341

email: enquiries@trophytextiles.co.uk


Redruth School Uniform Price List 2023     


BLAZER WITH SCHOOL LOGO    £38.00                             

CLIP ON SCHOOL TIE    £5.50                    

SHIRTS / BLOUSES Pk2    £14.50


V NECK JUMPER (Optional)    £18.00         

BLACK PE SHORTS    £9.00                    

BLACK PE SKORT    £15.00         

PE SOCKS    £6.50                    

RUGBY SHIRT FOR BOYS    £17.50                   

PE SHIRT    £22.00                   

PE HOODIES    £16.00  

PE LEGGINGS    £17.50                   

BOYS PE PACK (PE TOP, SHORTS, SOCKS & RUGBY TOP)    £53.00                   

GIRLS PE PACK (PE TOP, SKORT, SOCKS & HOODIE)    £56.00                                               

Also in stock: shoes, trainers, football boots, trousers, sportswear & accessories.

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm & Saturday 9am – 12.30pm


We also run a pre-loved uniform shop, Redruth ReLoved, where uniform that has been outgrown can be swapped for bigger sizes. or you can purchase uniform for a suggested donation. To make an appointment to view items, please phone the school: 01209 203700.

ReLoved (002)


We would advise all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name.

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