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Student Voice
All students at Redruth School practice the British Value ‘democracy’ through our student voice process. At the start of each year, every tutor group elects two year council representatives. These students are the voice for their tutor group, and share the views of their peers at the half-termly year council meetings. Alongside this, students also have the ability to apply to become a member of the Student Council. Being a member of the Student Council involves regular meetings with senior school leaders and governors, running student interview panels, and touring visitors around the school. Elections for Student Council are democratically done at the start of each academic year, and students write manifestos that highlight the unique strengths, talents and abilities that they can bring to the group. Applications are then anonymised before the whole school votes for the students they wish to represent them on the council.
Student Voice is an important part of the School’s culture, and the views of all students are regularly heard. Each half term there is a Student Voice Feedback Loop, where 3 topics are selected by the Student Council for the whole school to discuss. The process begins with the year council representatives having discussions with their tutor group, which they then share in their Year Council meeting. Following from the Year Council meetings, a full Student Council Meeting is held with a senior leader in the school. Here the views of the students across the school are heard, and actions can then be taken by the school’s leadership team. This is then fed-back to the wider school through the Year and Student Council representatives, half-termly assemblies and a notice board in main reception. Some examples of school-wide changes made by student feedback include:
- Adjusting the structure of the school day to allow pupils a longer lunch
- Creating a new toilet policy to allow students to go to the bathroom, if urgent, during lessons
- Switching to a lower cost blazer to reduce the cost of uniform
- Creating new extra-curricular opportunities by offering lunchtime clubs
Eco Council
Redruth School Eco Council is an extra-curricular club open to all pupils in the school who have a passion for sustainability. Since its formation in 2021, Redruth Eco Council has gone from strength to strength. First achieving the Green Flag Award in summer 2022, the school currently has the highest level of this award: Green Flag with Distinction. Achieving this award reflects the hard work and dedication of the students in the club.
The group have worked on a wide range of projects including:
- Campaigns to reduce litter and increase the use of recycling bins across the school
- Supporting the development of the Redruth Reloved scheme which encourages the use of preloved uniform and prom dresses
- Addressing ocean plastic pollution by participating in the UCL Ocean Health Challenge
- Encouraging the use of sustainable transport by getting the whole school involved in the Sustrans Big Walk or Wheel event
- Working with RJ Working to develop their communication skills enabling them to become better global citizens.