Leadership Team & Key Contacts

Senior Leadership Team Name

Mr C Bonds 

Deputy Headteacher 

Mrs B Haslam

Deputy Headteacher

Miss E Kettlewell
Deputy Headteacher

Mrs L McTeare

Assistant Headteacher

Mr T Bailes-Brown
Assistant Headteacher

Mr D Bartlett

Assistant Headteacher

Mr J Cable

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs M Cornish

Assistant Headteacher

Dr N Gower 
Assistant Headteacher

Mrs J King

Strategic SEND Lead

Mrs L Slim

Senior Lead Wellbeing and Mental Health

Mr M McGovern
Support  Name

Miss K Skilbeck

01209 203700


Mrs J McClelland

01209 203700

Headteacher's PA

Miss H Trerise

01209 203700

Student Attendance                                

Miss L Cannell

01209 203727


If you have a query for a particular member of staff please email enquiries@redruth.cornwall.sch.uk and it will be directed to the member of staff. 

Languages Department

Mrs J Bonheme
Miss K Cunniffe
Mrs C Gower
Mr A Housset
Mrs B Morales-Padron
Mrs E Torres-Moreno

Humanities Department

Mr T Bailes-Brown
Mrs M-L Brown
Miss K Conway-Baker
Miss E Dixon
Miss C Fox 
Miss L Hawkesworth
Ms K Hill
Mrs K Horner
Mrs J King
Mrs A Moore
Mr J Pellow
Mrs S Profaska
Miss S Smith
Miss A Sparrow
Mrs S Strong
Mr B Thomas
Miss H Wagstaff

English and Media Department

English and Media
Mrs L Austin
Miss R Barratt
Mrs N Briscoe
Mrs A Corker
Mr S Defriend
Miss M Duffield
Mrs H Endean
Mrs L Grace
Miss A Herlihy
Miss N Netherton
Mr M O'Shea
Mr H Pickard
Ms K Rushbury
Mrs C Spinks
Miss R Sullivan 
Mrs A Wilkinson

Creative Arts Department

Creative Arts
Miss E Cackett
Miss L Cumes
Mrs J King
Mrs R Lloyd
Mrs H McGovern
Mrs S Profaska
Mrs K Rudge
Mr N Souter

Physical Education Department

Physical Education
Mr D Bartlett
Miss J Borlase
Mr R Brown 
Miss S Clouter
Mrs F Coombes
Mr J Goldsworthy
Mr R Kennedy
Mrs D Kennedy
Mr C Phillips
Miss K Skilbeck
Miss K Treloar

Mathematics Department

Mr S Annis
Mr T Bailes-Brown
Mr J Downie 
Mr C Dumbleton
Mr S Flint
Mrs B Haslam
Mr M Leah
Mr A Mayes
Mr C Patmore
Mr M Peacock
Mr S Taylor
Mr J Telling
Mrs M Wade


Miss K Aylin
Miss L Barry
Mrs J Binmore
Mr M Bosley
Mrs C Burchell-Edwards
Mr N Choules
Mr B Clifford
Miss H Goodyear
Dr N Gower
Mr N Hunt
Mrs N Jackman
Mrs K Myers 
Miss R Phillips
Mr J Polglase
Dr S Scaife
Miss H Wright

Design and Food Technology Department

Design and Food Technology 
Mr L Dix
Miss L Federici
Mr P Morgan
Miss L Robertson
Mrs C Smith
Mr D Smith
Mrs B Vowell

Computing and ICT Department

Computing and IT
Mr T Allerton
Mr P Roberts
Mr A Rogers

Vocational Studies Department

Vocational Studies
Mrs L Arundell
Mr S Defriend
Miss N Jackman
Miss K Treloar


Mr L Collins
Mrs C Richards


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