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Home Learning- The Student Point of View
Posted on: 27/01/2021As we enter the 4th week of home learning students and teachers at Redruth School have all settled well into a new way of education. Students follow their timetables as if they were still in school, completing work set online and submitting this back to their subject teachers for marking and feedback.
Live video lessons on Teams have allowed teachers to expand their contact with their students at home, using these sessions to explain the topic to their class and they are also available to answer any questions students may have.
Year 11 Head Boy, Harvey Jones says “home learning gives us an excellent chance to show independence as we manage our timings and routines ourselves. We really have to take ownership of our education in order to continue progressing to achieve our goals.”
Head Girl, Holly Apsey, agrees saying “personally, home learning for me is quite exciting. It is nice to have a set routine and wake up and complete all the work from the comfort of my own home."
Both Holly and Harvey highlighted how much support they felt they were getting from the school and their teachers, keeping positive about their lockdown experience and looking forwards towards their own futures.
"The teachers are excellent at responding to questions I may have.“ Holly stated. Whilst Harvey felt that “any questions I have are just an email away from being answered by my teachers.”
Mr Martin, Headteacher added that "the response to our online learning set-up has been immensely positive and rewarding for both staff and students. The ‘live element’ of each lesson where the students can interact with their teacher and ask questions regarding the task, is proving beneficial to their learning and their understanding. I am immensely proud of the commitment from both our staff and students."
Final comments from both our year 11 students, which encourage all students to try their best, take control of their learning journey and for parents to remain positive.
Harvey- “All the staff at Redruth School want to see us succeed. Now, more than ever, in these uncertain times. I have no doubt in my mind that if we put in the effort, then we can all be just as successful, even in these strange times.”
Holly- “For parents and carers that are worried for their children's education, there’s no need to be. We as a school are ensuring that our students get the best education and support in these uncertain times.”