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Oxford University Trip
Posted on: 03/03/2023Recently, our MAble students had the opportunity to visit Oxford University. The day began with an introduction to Oxford University in general and students were
given more specific information about Exeter College. Their pre-conceived ideas about further education and Oxbridge were challenged and they were reassured that there are no barriers for any of them should they wish to apply. They were then given a quick workshop on post-16 options which the students found very insightful and helped many of them plan their pathway.
Next, an English alumnus then led an English taster session. Following on, students engaged in a Q&A with two current third year students who also gave a tour of Exeter College. The Year 10s and 11s were really inspired by this and asked some very thoughtful questions.
After lunch, the group then had a taster session in the Oxford interview process. Students were presented with some of the current interview questions and had to think about them critically before presenting their answers. This was a brilliant confidence boost for them to know what to expect should they apply and the session leader were impressed with their
intellectual debates.
Finally, students had a session at the Natural History Museum. They were able to handle some of the exhibits including an owl’s skeleton, fossilised faeces and live cockroaches.
The behaviour of all students was impeccable. They really were a credit to the school and it was magical seeing how much they got out of the day.