
Y8 Science Homework

Posted on: 13/10/2023

Year 8 have enjoyed learning about the heart and circulatory system in science. As part of their revision homework, many students have produced some incredible learning aids and sculptures to summarise what they have learned.

Bethany B’s board model includes syringes of fluids to show the directions that blood flows through the different chambers of the heart. Iwan M has carved and painted a 3D model of the internal workings, including pin labels. Jack M has also made a pop-up and fold-out guide to the two side of the double-pump model, whilst Vivien L has made a latex animatronic model that even beats!

All students who complete their revision homework in Science are awarded house points and are put in for a prize draw at the end of the half-term. Those who have already completed exceptional pieces of work will also be in the draw and have been given points and prizes. Well done to everyone who has brought in work and keep it coming please!

Also, students got the chance to do some heart dissections, after a demonstration from their science teachers, where they then had to label the main structures of the heart using their newly learned key vocabulary. They all thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

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