
What a Drama!

Posted on: 09/02/2021

The drama students of Year 8 have been getting to grips with mime from home.  Mime was first bought to Paris in 1811 by Jean Gaspard Batiste Deburau and is a silent art that involves acting or communicating using movements, gestures and facial expressions without speech. 

Our creative pupils have been gurning and shaping their faces using their facial expressions to try and express a variety of words set by their drama teacher, some put pen to paper cleverly drawing out their expressions.

Mrs McGovern said-  “The learning in a KS3 drama studio is usually practical and full of opportunities for students to be imaginative, creative, collaborative and to try new skills.  It's been a challenge to continue the practical elements of drama but knowing how important it is to still exercise their creative skills we have been able to engage them by setting tasks that can be completed in any environment - indoors, outdoors, at home or at school. The students have been submitting brilliant work showing off their facial expressions and demonstrating the ability to communicate without speaking! Not easy for everyone! Well done Year 8.”

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